0459 258 604
Western Downs Speech Pathology

Speech Pathology Services
Speech Pathologists assess, diagnose and treat individuals from all stages of their lives with communication and swallowing difficulties. At Western Downs Speech Pathology, we support adults and children with speech sounds (articulation), receptive language (understanding), expressive language (use), voice, fluency (stuttering), swallowing and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
Western Downs Speech Pathology works with you, your caregivers and your support network to customise a service that meets your needs.
You may benefit from services if you have been diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental delay, a neurological condition such as a stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis or hearing impairment.
About Rachel Brady-Jones
Speech Pathologist
I am a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist, a member of Speech Pathology Australia, and the founder of Western Downs Speech Pathology.
I have lived in regional Australia most of my life, and I understand how difficult it can be to access specialist and allied health services when you need them. As a Speech Pathologist (and a human), I know how important it is to be able to be independent in your communication with other people in your environment.
I am committed to providing speech pathology services in regional Queensland to help close the gap in rural health care and support people across their lifespan to communicate and express themselves to the best of their abilities.
I enjoy working with people of all ages with communication and swallowing difficulties and helping to achieve functional goals to improve their everyday experiences.
I am dedicated to ongoing and continual professional development and have completed further upskilling in:
SPEAKOUT! (The Parkinson Voice Project)
AUSLAN (Introductory course)
Hanen More Than Words ®
Orofacial Myology
PROMPT – Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets
Derbyshire Language Scheme Certificate